
The DRS client is executed on the command-line via the following structure:


where [OPTIONS] represents a set of optional command-line parameters, and URL and OBJECT_ID represent two position-specific arguments.

Arguments and Options

Required command-line arguments:

ga4gh-drs-client required arguments
Parameter Description
URL Base URL to DRS service (up to but excluding the DRS BasePath ‘/ga4gh/drs/v1’)
OBJECT_ID DRS object identifier

Optional command-line options:

ga4gh-drs-client options
Parameter Short Name Description
-t –authtoken Value of OAuth 2.0 Authorization: Bearer token
-d –download Flag. If set, download object bytes
-x –expand Flag. If set, program will recursively traverse inner bundles within the root bundle
-l –logfile File to which logs should be written
-M –max-threads Number of concurrent download threads
-o –output-dir Directory to write downloaded files
-m –output-metdata File to write object metadata (printed to stdout by default)
-S –silent Flag. If set, don’t output any messages to console or log file
-s –suppress-ssl-verify Flag. If set, suppress ssl certification verificiation (NOT RECOMMENDED)
-v –validate-checksum Flag. If set, perform checksum validation on downloaded objects
-V –verbosity DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR Control verbosity of logging

Example Usage

  1. Basic Usage, get DRS object and print metadata to screen
drs get a02568e6-11f8-4493-9880-f51823df09b8
  1. Write metadata to an output file
drs get -m metadata.json a02568e6-11f8-4493-9880-f51823df09b8
  1. Download object bytes, writing output files to the “output” directory
drs get -d -o output a02568e6-11f8-4493-9880-f51823df09b8
  1. Use an auth token to access DRS object data/metadata
drs get -d -o output -t P8vNFYh6jC a02568e6-11f8-4493-9880-f51823df09b8
  1. Write debug, info, warning, and error logs to a log file
drs get -l logfile.txt -V DEBUG a02568e6-11f8-4493-9880-f51823df09b8